The vacuum embedding set 1 04 05 was specially developed in order to allow simultaneous embedding of porous and fragile samples.
The samples put in their mould are under control and adjusting depression with pressure-gauge and adjustable leak. Without interfering the vacuum, an orientable tube allows the feeding up the mould by putting the resin beside the sample in order to arise the level from the bottom.
The incorporated cold lighting help to follow up the extraction of bubbles.
The samples laid down onto a turntable plate are brought successively under the resin’s feeding nozzle.
The plate of Ø 200 mm. can treat up to 10 samples regarding their size without interfering the vacuum.
Feeding in with resin: there are two devices to fill in with resin without any breakdown of the vacuum:
- A 125 ml glass funnel with teflon cock to feed in with resin in the sample, after vacuum. It must be clean after each filling.
- An orientable stainless tube allows to feed with resin each mould near the sample. A silicone pipe is pulled trough the stainless tube. This pipe is semi consumable and easy to clean with aceton at each ending of an embedding. It can be used 3 to 5 times.
Electrical membrane vacuum pump solvent resistant.
- Vacuum: 0,5 bar
- Flow: up to 16L/min
Heated turntable plate with adjustable temperature up to 80° C to decrease the resin viscosity
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